
Bienvenido a la Oficina de Servicios y Programas Multiculturales y al Centro de Recursos de La小屋. 游客们的到来. Por favor, echa un vistazo a todos los grandes programas que tenemos este año! Esperamos verte ahí! Visítenos en el séptimo piso del 霍尔曼纪念学生会 Building. “我爱你,我爱你。! 

Welcome to the Office of 多元文化服务和项目 and the La小屋资源中心. 我们很高兴你来参观. Please check out all the great programs we have this year! 我们希望在那里见到你! Visit us on the seventh floor of the 霍尔曼纪念学生会 Building. 我们总是让事情发生!



This land on which we inhabit is physically situated in the original ancestral homelands of the The Wea Peoples of the 迈阿密 Tribe of Indiana. The Wea were a 迈阿密-伊利诺斯州 originally located in western Indiana and part of the larger 伊利诺斯州 Confederation. 我们向迈阿密部落(特拉华州)致敬, 基卡普人, 迈阿密, 丘建筑商, Piankashaw, 帕塔瓦米语, 肖尼, 和我们), 过去的, 现在, 和未来的, and the Wea Peoples continuing presence in the homeland and throughout their historical diaspora. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well. Without them, we would not have access to this gathering and to this dialogue. We take this opportunity to thank and honor the original caretakers of this land.


La小屋学生资源中心 is a space for those interested in learning more about the 拉美裔 and Latin 文化s. 拉·卡西塔将与 拉美裔联盟 学生组织.

La小屋 was developed to give voice to the rich heritage of the 拉美裔/Latin 文化s. La小屋 is the hub of cultural programs, activities, awareness building, and celebration. La小屋 重点关注:

  • Assisting in the retention and graduation of multicultural students by fostering a sense of community through intellectual, 社会, 文化交流
  • Providing and promoting safe spaces for challenging dialogue about students’ experiences and concerns

拉美裔联盟 (HLA) is a group of students who welcome others who are interested in Latino/拉美裔 文化s and Spanish language. We are committed to succeed scholarly within all students, 开发领导, conspire with other organizations on campus and participate in community service.

Gamma Phi Omega 国际 Sorority, Incorporated (Gamma Phi Omega) was founded in April 17, 1991 on the campus of Indiana University.. Gamma Phi Omega strives to unite sisters in the principles of achieving academic excellence, 为我们生活和学习的社区服务, 维护女性之间神圣的姐妹情谊, and uplifting and advancing a cultural awareness among Latinos and those in our global communities.



西班牙传统月的想法, celebrated throughout the latter half of September and the first half of October, 以一种促进历史的方式开始, 文化, and contributions of 拉美裔-Americans — specifically, 那些祖先来自西班牙的人, 墨西哥, 加勒比海, 以及中南美洲. Communities mark the achievements of 拉美裔 and Latino Americans with festivals and educational activities.西班牙传统月 is observed annually from Septebmer 15 to October 15.2021年的主题, developed by the National Council of 拉美裔 就业 Program Managers (NCHEPM) is “ESPERANZA: A CELEBRATION OF HISPANIC HERITAGE AND HOPE”". 


The contributions of 拉美裔s in the United States are many, and in an effort to recognize and celebrate those who helped shaped this nation, 林登·B总统. Johnson instituted Nation 拉美裔 Heritage Week in 1968.

This provided activities and ceremonies to create awareness of the very great part 拉美裔 Americans have had to play in adding to the prosperity and importance of this country. And then in 1988, the weeklong observance was extended into National 西班牙传统月.


Rather than last for a certain month, 西班牙传统月 begins on September 15th. This date was chosen as it is the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, 萨尔瓦多, 危地马拉, 洪都拉斯, 和尼加拉瓜. 墨西哥 and Chile also celebrate their independence in this period and the month also ends after Columbus Day, 以及赛马日, which is a cultural and public holiday in many Latin American countries.


The monthlong period is a time to learn about the people who have influenced America in such a great way and learn about the 文化 that has significantly influenced American 文化. During the month 拉美裔 Heritage is celebrated in many ways, 游行之类的活动, 艺术展览, 音乐会和传统的西班牙食品集市.


这个词 拉美裔 was coined as a way to classify those people of Latin American and Spanish origin, 谁的祖先来自西班牙, 墨西哥, 加勒比海和中南美洲. 这个词 is often used incorrectly in the United States as a racial classification instead of a regional one.

西班牙人可能是印第安人, 非洲, 欧洲, or Asian descent and because of the stereotypes and misconceptions, there are many 拉美裔s that are not recognized as such. 琳达·卡特(神力女超人), Frankie Muniz (马尔科姆在中间), and Jean-Michel Basquiat, are all of 拉美裔 ancestry but are never regarded as 拉美裔.


The 拉美裔 population of the United States as of July 1, 2019 was 60.6 million, making people of 拉美裔 origin the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority. 西班牙裔占18%.占全国总人口的5%. Twelve states had a population of 1 million or more 拉美裔 residents in 2019 — Arizona, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 伊利诺斯州, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 纽约, 北卡罗莱纳, 宾夕法尼亚州和德克萨斯州.


For more information regarding the programs offer by La小屋, please contact the 研究生 Assistant Sai Sumanth Bondu <>



















7th 地板上
Terre Haute, IN 47809


上午8:00 -下午4:30

上午8:00 -下午4:30